The one place you don’t need to “have it all together?”

Chloe Cox Therapy

Eating Disorder and Anxiety Therapist in Tustin, CA

Therapy for the girl that never asks for help…

  • Your 20s can be a little chaotic. This is a decade of figuring it out, and that can be VERY overwhelming to do alone. Therapy can help you make sense of your 20s and create a solid foundation for your adult life.

  • If you’re a chronic overachiever, you know better than anyone that perfectionism can be as much a superpower as it is a curse. Therapy can guide you to harness your drive and passion, while letting go of the insecurity and self-criticism that gets in the way.

  • Dieting, exercising, restricting, bingeing, scrutinizing, obsessive weighing…these disordered behaviors and mind-states are not superficial issues. They are life-altering, distressing, and damaging. Therapy can help you find a way to cope with life’s stressors without taking it out on yourself and your body.

  • Becoming a mom is stressful. Your life changes completely overnight and on top of that dramatic hormonal shifts can leave you feeling hopeless during what you hoped would be a joyful time. As a new mama myself, I get it. You are not alone and you are deserving of support.

Hi, I’m Chloe.

I became a therapist because I’ve been where you are.

Do you feel like what you do is never good enough?

Or if you make a mistake the world is going to shatter?

Have you felt that horrible sense of dread that you’re suddenly an adult and how no idea what you’re doing with your life?

As young adult women we’re under so much pressure!

Which so often leads to:

  • toxic perfectionism and self-judgment

  • disordered eating behaviors and low self-worth

  • loss of identity and direction

I understand, and I can help.

In my early 20s, my life turned upside down.

I coped with my fear, anxiety, and uncertainty by controlling my food, my body, my grades, and my relationships.

Therapy helped me let go of these harmful habits to find my purpose and peace in life.

I know that it can help you too.

Therapy Customized to Your Needs

  • Traditional and effective, talk therapy begins with weekly 50 minute sessions to explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. We’ll figure out what’s working, what’s not, and what to change to get you back on track. I’ll be with you every step of the way, using a combination of evidence-based therapy and intuitive insight.

  • Did you know that trauma and attachment wounds are stored in the body? Sometimes traditional talk therapy isn’t enough to move through these deep-seated issues.

    Combining personalized yoga practices with talk therapy provides a unique avenue to heal, bridging the gap between body, mind, and soul.

    I also offer Brainspotting (BSP), a therapy technique that helps you connect to parts of your brain where trauma is stored.

  • Teletherapy is both convenient and effective — an attractive and accessible option for busy 20/30-something women. Offered for California residents only!

    Prefer to connect face to face? I see clients in-person in Tustin, CA!